The blog you all have landed on is about Epic or about Animal Jam. Thank you for viewing!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Animal Jam's new world.

Well, on my last post, i was talking about Mt. Shiveer. I have to recontinue that post, because i tried to load Animal Jam, but it got stuck! I tried several times, but yet i still failed.


About Mt. Shiveer, it's a new world in Animal Jam. Its a cold, breezy and snowy place, set up with an ice slide. It has a cafe, and if you go in, you get to pick your coffee! You will see a game controller near a coffee machine and click it. If you do, don't be surprised if you see a box with your cups. You pick it! Pick your cup, cup color, your coffee type and toppings. When you finished, you will return to the game and a cup will float near your head. :)

The place of Mt. Shiveer is loved to many and a game is there too! Just near the fire, there is a game called IceBreaker. I don't really remember the name but THERE IS A BREAKER IN IT.

Here are some pictures! I hope you all will enjoy Mt. Shiveer!! :D
By, Epic Stuffings... (Maybe i need to change my blog name and my name... Wonder?)

1 comment:

  1. cool bl0g it's pawsome i hav 1 but i forgot about it-catsrock12
